Posted by: Pixy Misa at Sun Feb 20 02:33:36 2022 (PiXy!)
You probably had better not look into everyone who has been shipped with Rohm.
More seriously, I think the lockdown shit has disrupted the coping mechanisms of a great many people.
I'm pretty sure that we have some serious cases of folks who could use some help with their mental health. On our side; The opposition perhaps includes people who should have never been released from the custody of competent psychiatric oversight.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Sun Feb 20 13:58:11 2022 (r9O5h)
I mean...I am not surprised by the idea that such a thing could exist. I have been that way since Ace posted about the fascinating world of romance novels where a dinosaur (Or more than one...) is one of the consenting parties....And how profitable it can be. IIRC, one author who self-published through Amazon before they were taken down, was making 20K-30K a MONTH on such 'works.'
I do have my own idea about a bargain bin romance novel genre in the same vein as dinosaur slash. I should really should write something, if for no other reason than to prove that people will pay to read anything.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Feb 20 18:58:12 2022 (MuaLM)
4 just said "Dinosaur slash" but non-sarcastically. This does nothing to help assuage my concerns.
Posted by: The Brickmuppet at Sun Feb 20 21:20:19 2022 (5iiQK)
It isn't looking good for the Freedom Convoy. Trudeau appears to be clearing them out. However, given the extreme overreaction to the affair, Trudeau's victory may prove to be Phyrric in the long run.
I'm not aware of ANY violence that was caused other than mounties pushing some people around. (I'm certain that in a chaotic affair as large and long lasting as this there had to be SOMETHING even if it was just someone getting drunk. However, the only thing the news has produced is a picture of a poster likening Trudeau to Nazis that was presented on the news with the Trudeau reference cropped out. )
The implementation of a social credit system that de-banks and de-licenses anybody who showed support for a political protest that did not have the support of the Canadian government is straight out of China. To be implemented in such a broad and arbitrary way is terrifying.
As we've seen recently with Lindell and earlier with Patreon , that terror is not limited to our friends up north. The Canadian innovation is the simply size of the net, and the number of people who can be made to suffer if the credentialed crowd wants to flex.The Lauratian Consensus that Trudeau represents has an awful lot in common with the costal default aristocracy that is causing so much problems in the States. Watch this mess closely, it may be a peek into our future in the US.
As I type this, the Police are slowly, but methodically moving in. The political leadership appears to be hoping for the truckers to to provide them with some sort of 'casus belli'. The above mentioned de-banking and the governments policy of threatening trucker's bank accounts and pets may well provoke a desperate response from somebody they can use to justify harsher methods.
I mentioned the possibility of overreach on Trudeau's part. The freezing of bank assets has reportedly caused some considerable alarm, though there is no hard reporting on that in the media. I base it entirely on conversations with the sorts of Canadians I talk to, so take with a grain of salt. However, SOMETHING is happening with regard to Canadian banks.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Sat Feb 19 09:15:22 2022 (r9O5h)
Pat: yes, a group of mounted cops went through a street, more or less right through a crowd, and knocked an old woman down and trampled her. They are now lying, claiming she threw a scooter at them, but there is video of it.
There were rumors last night that she died of her injuries, but I haven't heard confirmation or denial yet. Also, supposedly the Ottowa police have backed off this morning and are letting people back into the area.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Feb 19 13:53:42 2022 (Z0GF0)
Here's a Tweet with an aerial picture; you can see one person is down, apparently still straddling some kind of scooter, which puts the lie to the claim it was thrown at the police. One horse is standing over someone, bucking.
Posted by: Rick C at Sat Feb 19 14:58:00 2022 (Z0GF0)
The old lady is an elder of the Mohawk tribe, and she went to the hospital but only had a dislocated shoulder. There were pics on a niece's Twitter. Word is that she got out and went back to the protest.
Nothing on the guy who got trampled while trying to shield her. I hope he is okay.
Posted by: Suburbanbanshee at Sun Feb 20 09:22:18 2022 (sF8WE)
Based on the videos I've seen of green-haired, middle-aged women up-twinkling themselves for complaining about being honked at, there's a demographic that *did* watch that video the first time around and thought "I want me some of that!"
Wasn't it David Frum who admired China's authoritarian capability to just get stuff done?
Posted by: Rick C at Wed Feb 16 20:19:39 2022 (Z0GF0)
The head of the AFL-CIO, the jet-set environmentalists, The New York Times opinion department...Pretty much the entire universe of useful idiots believe the PRC is a great model to imitate because they get things done.
Which, to be honest, the PRC does do sometimes...If you do not care even a little bit about expense, quality of work, ethics, whether you should do it, or whether it is a good idea to do at all.
Then again, we are talking about the same country that gave us the Ship That Voted to Come Home, so I should not be surprised.
Posted by: cxt217 at Wed Feb 16 21:24:09 2022 (MuaLM)
It Comes As Exactly no Surprise
....that Gacha is a creation of an evil corporation bent on world domination.
From episode 2 of Miss Kuroitsu: From The Monster Development Department. The Darth Vader wannabe is the company's second in command and Chief of Operations. He's utterly ruthless in his pursuit of his goals, which include, world domination and maintaining the well being of his staff.
I'm finally caught up with this show and it continues to impress.
This show should be required viewing at business schools.
I actually kinda enjoy the SOME of the walls of text. It definitely gives more context to why he things what he does, if he doesn't ramble too far afield. Which does happen..... occasionally.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Thu Feb 10 22:11:27 2022 (g7FbY)
What I've Learned From Reading the Comments
In the last 30 minutes, I've learned that my financial future can be assured by investing in Islamabad real estate. I've been told my blog has an excellent and intuitive Wordpress template. I've found that my commenters want to help me get a Visa...a U.S. Visa. Astonishingly, I found that most people online concerned with...the issue..."are coupled with this internet site" .(Yay! I should sell adds!) Not only that, but there's this girl in Bangalore who want's to date me!
I must note however, that "Jewish Space Lasers" has been a joke on the internet right for about 20 years off and on. Any mention of 'JSL' on this blog is neither serious commentary nor a policy prescription and certainly has nothing to do with whatever response was proposed in Indonesian.
Adventures in Delicacies
Delicacies are funny things.
In theory, they are exquisite examples of the culinary art, spoiling the palette with orgasmic bliss delivered by the skill of a 4 star chef.
There are also cultural delicacies.
I think these broadly fall into two categories.
1: A food that is the symbol of hope and survival, that a society ate during the starving time when they could find nothing else, but it is a cultural symbol of that societies perseverance and they are all attuned to have positive emotions associated with it since it is eaten only at memorial festivals.
2: A dirty trick a society plays on outsiders, assuring them that "This is a delicacy....You'll offend us if you don't like it." all the while laughing at the stupid foreigner that they dearly wish they could just beat up.
You know, like natto.
I am not sure which of those categories fried jellyfish fits into.
But I'm pretty sure it is one of them.
The little octopuses were quite good, aside from having jellyfish juice on them.
Jade Villa, is a somewhat austerely apportioned Chinese restaurant in Virginia Beach. It lacks the fancy fixtures that adorn so many high end sit-down Chinese establishments, but it has a huge menu of superb and truly exotic dishes...and cultural delicacies. Out of respect to somebody that is not out of the hospital yet, I refrained, this time, from ordering their exquisite Peking Duck.
They have 2 menus, one a perfectly normal American style Chinese food one finds in any city (albeit very well prepared)...and the big redmenu, which is in Chinese and English, and which I have not tried everything on after several years.
I highly recommend the establishment, even if I cannot provide much heartfelt advocacy for any hypothetical National Jellyfish Association.
Let me add that the casual diner should occasionally pay attention to exactly what regional cuisine specialty a Chinese restaurant focuses on. People used to Cantonese and Szechuan dishes will be in for something of a shock if they went in blind to eat at an establishment featuring Shanghai-style dishes.
Posted by: cxt217 at Sun Feb 6 19:07:45 2022 (MuaLM)
I've had jellyfish. Tastes like salty silicone sealant. Would not buy again.
Posted by: Pixy Misa at Mon Feb 7 16:39:22 2022 (PiXy!)
There's a Chinese restaurant that I used to go to with my girlfriend. They had a very nice jellyfish-and-duck salad that we would get every time we went there for dim sum, but they no longer offer it.
We've had jellyfish elsewhere and it was something to put up with, rather than enjoy.
Posted by: wheels at Mon Feb 7 18:09:30 2022 (IhIjp)
Cultural delicacies exist in the states, too. Okra in the south. Lutefisk (shudder) in Minnesota. And if you are ever in Chicago and someone offers you a glass of Malort, it's a cultural delicacy.
What it's all about is there in the name: "Mal" meaning "bad", and "ort" being the sound you make when you jam an entire container of pepper spray in your mouth to remove the aftertaste.
Posted by: Wonderduck at Fri Feb 11 17:48:17 2022 (bHHXR)
Fried okra is actually tasty, though! (I... don't think I'd like it not-fried, though.)
Posted by: Avatar_exADV at Fri Feb 11 20:00:18 2022 (v29Tn)
The End GameI noted in passing recently the 'de-bankification' of Mike Lindell (the My Pillow guy). Lindell was merely named as a witness, by the January 6 committee. At that point, his and other banks declared that, as he was under suspicion of something (maybe) his patronage was a "reputational risk".
The audio of the exchange between one of Lindell's employees and the bank is, frankly terrifying. The Bank representative is relaying that the Bank is genuinely scared of being associated with people the government is going after. Interestingly he is trying to get Lindell to withdraw from the bank voluntarily because if the Bank just shuts down the account, Lindell will be put on a national "bad boy list". I (being a layman with no expertise in banking) take this to mean that if they 'fire a customer' they are open to legal action, and will have to show cause.
'Reputational risk' sounds like something one would encounter in in a third world or totalitarian state, or the panicked sneer of an aristocrat who has discovered he unwittingly broke bread with a peasant.
I'm revisiting this month-old Lindell story because it is relevant again because of the recent decision by GoFundMe to seize the money being raised by the Canadian trucker convoy.
Since this post was started yesterday, GoFundMe has reversed position and will be returning the 9 million dollars to those who contributed it. No doubt GoFundMe and their supporters will say that the above paragraph and links are "old news" and irrelevant and we should all please stop talking about it. That's because GoFundMe and those who support them in this manner are evil. The ONLY reasons they reversed this decision this time was because it got publicity (no thanks to most media outlets) and because a competitor in the same online space "pounced" and became a relevant rival. GiveSendGo has raised U.S.$3,220,516.00 as I type this (About 35 hours after this happened). GiveSendGo is now known and relevant, which it wasn't before, and certainly will have a large portion of non-dirtbag-left fundraising going forward.
One might be inclined to say that there is no problem here since competition and market forces have sort of prevailed, and given GoFundMe's miscalculation, market forces will see them suffer going forward. Certainly the market and public opinion allowed this reversal to be inflicted on the censors. However, Minnesota Bank and Trust is unlikely to pay much of a price for forcing out Lindells companies and anti-addiction charities. Furthermore, I doubt that the Left will allow GoFundMe to suffer much given their cause was to help them. All it will take is a few activists setting up fund drives to refill their coffers.
I want to be careful here. I have seen speculation that GoFundMe was acting on behalf of a request by the Canadian government in this matter. I have seen no evidence of this other than some tweets. GoFundMe's assertion that they had received reports of bad behavior being reported by the RCMP is not the same as saying that the Canadian Government leaned on them. But GoFundMe did what they did. And they did it because they were able to and they did it because they thought they were helping the establishment.
This shit has been going on for a while. At the end of 2018, I blogged about that year's Patreon purge, which was a big deal at the time. It has gotten much worse since then. I really don't like to quote myself, but this excerpt from that turgid TLDR of a post is, unfortunately, still relevant.
We often joke that Animal Farm, 1984, and Brave New World are not a three volume how to manual. For some people though, they are. We've now got fricking "Trust and Safety Councils" that turn anyone with the correct politics who hate the right people this minute into members of their little Stassi. With the power to control the information and to deny people financial services if they hold unpopular views, comes incredible power for mischief.
We've covered the Chinese Sesame Credit System before and that, I am convinced, is where many of the individuals behind this policing of speech want to be.
All it takes to bring about this dream of the anointed is for each of us to say "That guy's an asshole! He deserves what he gets. That bitch over there had it coming too, serves her right." and be silent, or smug, or report the asshole to the Trust and Safety Council. Then, because every one of us is an asshole to someone, we'll be kept in our place by the very crab bucket culture we are nurturing. Meanwhile, the archdukes and marquesses of Palo Alto "tend their fields" by cutting off any poppies that grow too high.
With that coming to pass, like the Greek City States before it, the 300 year aberration that is the enlightenment will disappear into the 300,000 year+ history of humanity as a short lived deviation from the mean. Things relating to freedom will go back to being much as they were for the majority of that time, albeit with rather less ability to express heretical thoughts.
I assume the powers that be will go after the GiveSendGo soon. This high school gatekeeping girl-boss bullshit isn't going to stop. Facebook has deleted the homepage that was supporting a similar political demonstration by American truckers.
When speech and peaceful protest are no longer allowed, some frustrated, tormented people, bullied by would-be aristocrats who neither know nor care about their situation, and consider them to be less than human are likely to react uncivilly. After seeing what was done with regards to the January 6th idiocy, I am growing convinced that such incivility is exactly what the Left wants.
It will provide them with casus belli, and they will descend upon us like the Japanese did Nanking. And they'll feel good about it, because we are in their eyes , savages to be saved from ourselves, or witches to be burnt.
So no matter how many black pills you swallow in the next few years. Unless you are directly defending a life from immanent threat, do not ever respond to their effrontery with violence. It will be the undoing of us all.
We're going into a dark time. Banking and services are becoming subject to a political test. It's like Regina George and company have forged an alliance with the Heathers to make sure that only those wearing the proper fashion's can eat. Fashions in this case being political views, what words the Twitteratti consider taboo this week, and which scientists one listens too.
They know who you follow on Twitter, and who you don't follow but peruse. They know you downloaded that Tohou hentai...yes YOU. And if you get out of line they'll tell your mom...or your girlfriend, or your boss.
This is a situation that is alien to most of us. Open societies are usually immune to it by virtue of sheer size, and, of course, their openness. However, advances in IT allow every one of us the experience of living in a small town as the anointed search desperately for witches, or that of the East German despairing that he can ever speak his mind to anyone.
All is not lost.
As GiveSendGo, Bitchute, Utreon, MeWe,, Fediverse and others show, a stand can still be made with some hope of sucess via alternate platforms. But the government and powers that be are steadily encroaching on that space.
There is, for a while, really only one place that 'Karen' cannot get you and rat you out.
That place is the voting booth.
So no matter how many black pills you consume, always remember that we can still right the list of this sinking ship if we turn out in greater numbers that the margin of fraud.
You're proposing to win the hearts and minds of people with no hearts and no minds to win. Surely you've noticed the invariance of these peoples' personalities, and the sheer lack of anything like ontological inertia in their world-picture? There's nothing there to convince!
They will continue torturing people and strutting about like they're morally pure for doing so because they're psycopaths. At some point if someone does snap after having their lives and livelihoods burnt by laughing jackasses, I'm all out of bloody tears to cry on the leftsists' behalf.
Any restraint I have at this point is purely strategic. We owe these people *NOTHING*.
Posted by: nesalpers at Mon Feb 7 08:22:40 2022 (hRoyQ)
War sucks. By all means let's try other things first. But when they ignore the rules, cheat, flip the table, and burn everything you've ever worked for or loved anyway, what's your plan B?
Living in slavery is worse than death.
Posted by: nesalpers at Mon Feb 7 08:28:10 2022 (hRoyQ)
On the White Pill side, I'm seeing more and more ordinary people who were middle of the road politically finding themselves facing the risks of being branded "alt-right" and the Powers That Be have definitely overplayed their hand the last couple of years. It's looking more and more like a preference cascade against them. In more ordinary times I'd look forward to their fall from power. This is causing me to drop my odds of a general civil war from near certainty to a potential.
On the Black Pill side, the PTB have made clear they don't intend to go softly into that good night and I expect that violence will happen from them.If we don't give them an excuse, they've made clear that they will manufacture one (see: Whitimer "kidnapping" plot, Justy Smollett, QAnon, Jan 6).
On the White Pill side, a lot of the core leadership (Pelosi, Schumer, Biden, Soros, Warren, McConnell, Graham, Romney, and many others) are starting to make Methuselah look spry. There also seems to be some quiet house cleaning going on. IMHO the Durham probe seems to be purging the old Clinton apparatus. These trends will weaken them overall as their pool of talent is not that deep to fill leadership positions.
Posted by: StargazerA5 at Mon Feb 7 11:00:18 2022 (+Rp3z)
I think it is moving in the direction of them folding. Reports from Ottawa suggest that the police there are not exactly all enthusiastic storm troopers for the regime, but instead include many sane people who are not eager to visit prison when their nominal masters are off their meds.
If the opposition hasn't set up proper support in Canada, they haven't set it up in the United States.
I think you go too far in the degree to which you caution against violence, but it isn't like Team Glowie is correct, so probably an academic issue not really worth debating.
There is a prerequisite to winning by elections, and it is not clear that we can achieve it without violence. Bunch of information I do not have, in many different ways.
Posted by: PatBuckman at Tue Feb 8 00:12:23 2022 (r9O5h)
That is because my brief window of opportunity for blogging was taken up by watching Rekita Law. You see, today, Pixy had mentioned in passing that something wonderful had happened in their latest podcast where a shout-out was given to Pipkin Pippa, a V-Tuber I'm not familiar with, but whose videos seem to have all been deleted from Twitch.
So I just listened to today's WHOLE Rekita Law podcast and missed it due to a delivery, turns out Rekita mentioned Pipkin Pippa at the 52:00 point during super-chats. All that I gleaned was that Rekita was treading lightly about " The Tales of the Gunt Saga" and that he was trying to get Pipkin Pippa on his show, but that her agency was worried about controversy. Both Rekita and Barnes (his guest) agreed that "...there's so much backstory there that we don't have time for it".
I still have no idea what happened...but it was apparently awesome and/or involved fat shaming.
I'm not familiar with Pipkin Pippa, but Rekita Law is one of those law Vlogs like Frie and Barnes's shows that discusses the darker sides of the criminal justice system with such eloquence one almost always leaves with far more than one's recommended daily dose of blackpills.
I sat through that whole thing, and learned a lot about how bad things really are, particularly with the IRS, but I never learned what the cartoon rabbit-girl did that has gotten her a standing invitation to be on an American legal analysis show.
I blame Pixy.
Beware! This is the face of controversy!
Or mischief.
Or revolution maybe.
UPDATE and Legal Disclaimer:
Apparently Pipkin Pippa has been commenting eruditely on You-Tube legal least according to the crack team of drop bears we have running our IT dept.
Legal Disclaimer:
Note that while we point the finger firmly and unwaveringly at Pixy for our overall lack of content, he is not in anyway legally RESPONSIBLE. He is merely the person to whom we have assigned BLAME.
Miss Kuroitsu: From The Monster Development DepartmentAgastia Corporation, a large Japanese Zaibatsu, is involved in a great many moneymaking enterprises around the world, however like so many other Japanese corporations the primary focus of this particular conglomerate is world domination.
That rather expensive enterprise is privileged and confidential information, and not openly discussed on shareholder reports or tax filings. The ACTUAL board of directors meets in the secret boardroom far underground.
Not as answerable to shareholders as is supposed.
This has caused some considerable difficulties in internal logistics. However, The corporation now finds itself in an excellent position strategically as all of the competing corporations, ancient civilizations, ninja clans, and Alien outposts have been annihilated byJapan's current surfeit of prefectural masked heroes.
If those can be dealt with, Agastia corporations strategic goals can be met, resulting in excellent 3rd quarter returns and bonuses for all.
Miss Kuroitsu is the head of Monster Development and is responsible for providing the company with monsters to fight masked heroes.
She must do her job despite the fact that her chief mad scientist is a bit of a procrastinator, budget woes are cutting into the financial resources at her disposal, departmental turf wars are undermining her authority, and HR seems to be a 5th column, either completely insane or actively working against the goals of the organization.
I laughed out loud at this bizarre, but fun, show despite its apparently tiny budget. It has all sorts of potential. I'm really curious where this goes as there are so many ways it can become a complete dumpster fire, but for now it is holding together quite surprisingly well.
There doesn't seem to be a clear hierarchy in her department; I think the mad scientist just has seniority and a better degree, so she's forced to clean up after him. This show continues to be the bright spot of my week.
Posted by: J Greely at Wed Feb 2 20:18:02 2022 (rIzT3)
Wow, a company that will let you screw around in a lab and build things?! Where do I apply?
Posted by: MadRocketSci at Wed Feb 2 21:04:36 2022 (hRoyQ)
Yup, that's on my list as well. I love stuff that plays games with the genre like that.
Posted by: Mauser at Thu Feb 3 22:10:25 2022 (Ix1l6)
It's almost as if the people who's great sacrifice for the COVID restrictions was to sit around, work from home in their pajamas, and binge on Netflicks just figured out where the food they ordered online came from.
I'm really not a fan of Stonetoss, but damn. Sometimes that strip just nails it.
I notice that the Student Diversity Programs don't include any kind of White People's Alliance or anything equivalent. There's not even a Straight Pride group!
"Diversity"! Pft.
Posted by: jabrwok at Tue Feb 1 15:45:35 2022 (iyhH7)
Pekora has Thoughts on Thots and their Fawts
So, because we are in the absolute stupidest timeline, it seems that there is news of an E-girl who had to give up her business model of...selling farts because of health issues associated with the gasserifferous diet she adopted to facilitate her biddness plan.
I find myself at a loss for words....
I'm gonna just subcontract any comment on this to a Japanese V-Tuber.
Understand that we now live in a world where Pekora Usada is the voice of sanity.
For extra stupid, you can scroll down to the bottom of this earlier story on the matter to see mentioned in passing that there is a dude who is selling his farts as NFTs.
A Distinction Often Lost
So Justice Steven Breyer announced his retirement today. A milestone in his storied life that was somewhat robbed from him by the little weasel that leaked the news yesterday.
After an unusually coherent introduction by the POTUS, Bryer today gave a short speech.
The speech really rather emphasized the stark difference between an actual, old school American Liberal, and a Leftist/Progressive.
Should be cued up to the 5 minutes of clarity in the 58 minutes of...stuff.
Direct, to the point, and brimming with optimism, Bryer avoided punitive language and threats as he laid out a Raison 'detre for our judiciary, a bit of cautionary perspective to those who think the system we have should be abandoned, and a much needed word of hope extolling the virtues of civics.
Breyer is indeed a man of the left, but he is a Liberal.
Hobby Space News of the commercial space industry A Babe In The Universe Rather Eclectic Cosmology Encyclopedia Astronautica Superb spacecraft resource The Unwanted Blog Scott Lowther blogs about forgotten aerospace projects and sells amazingly informative articles on the same. Also, there are cats. Transterrestrial Musings Commentary on Infinity...and beyond! Colony WorldsSpace colonization news! The Alternate Energy Blog It's a blog about alternate energy (DUH!) Next Big Future Brian Wang: Tracking our progress to the FUTURE. Nuclear Green Charles Barton, who seems to be either a cool curmudgeon, or a rational hippy, talks about energy policy and the terrible environmental consequences of not going nuclear Energy From Thorium Focuses on the merits of thorium cycle nuclear reactors WizBang Current events commentary...with a wiz and a bang The Gates of Vienna Tenaciously studying a very old war The Anchoress insightful blogging, presumably from the catacombs Murdoc Online"Howling Mad Murdoc" has a millblog...golly! EaglespeakMaritime security matters Commander Salamander Fullbore blackshoe blogging! Belmont Club Richard Fernandez blogs on current events BaldilocksUnderstated and interesting blog on current events The Dissident Frogman French bi-lingual current events blog The "Moderate" VoiceI don't think that word means what they think it does....but this lefty blog is a worthy read nonetheless. Meryl Yourish News, Jews and Meryls' Views Classical Values Eric Scheie blogs about the culture war and its incompatibility with our republic. Jerry Pournell: Chaos ManorOne of Science fictions greats blogs on futurism, current events, technology and wisdom A Distant Soil The website of Colleen Dorans' superb fantasy comic, includes a blog focused on the comic industry, creator issues and human rights. John C. Wright The Sci-Fi/ Fantasy writer muses on a wide range of topics. Now Read This! The founder of the UK Comics Creators Guild blogs on comics past and present. The Rambling Rebuilder Charity, relief work, roleplaying games Rats NestThe Art and rantings of Vince Riley Gorilla Daze Allan Harvey, UK based cartoonist and comics historian has a comicophillic blog! Pulpjunkie Tim Driscoll reviews old movies, silents and talkies, classics and clunkers. Suburban Banshee Just like a suburban Leprechaun....but taller, more dangerous and a certified genius. Satharn's Musings Through TimeThe Crazy Catlady of The Barony of Tir Ysgithr アニ・ノート(Ani-Nouto) Thoughtful, curmudgeonly, otakuism that pulls no punches and suffers no fools. Chizumatic Stephen Den Beste analyzes anime...with a microscope, a slide rule and a tricorder. Wonderduck Anime, Formula One Racing, Sad Girls in Snow...Duck Triumphalism Beta Waffle What will likely be the most thoroughly tested waffle evah! Zoopraxiscope Too In this thrilling sequel to Zoopraxiscope, Don, Middle American Man of Mystery, keeps tabs on anime, orchids, and absurdities. Mahou Meido MeganekkoUbu blogs on Anime, computer games and other non-vital interests Twentysided More geekery than you can shake a stick at Shoplifting in the Marketplace of Ideas Sounds like Plaigarism...but isn't Ambient IronyAll Meenuvians Praise the lathe of the maker! Hail Pixy!!